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HA!! That is fucking fantastic. It must be nice to be old and semi-famous enough to not give a shit. I would have loved to say that to some of my former classmates and students.

Dave R

"The second memorable occurrence with Gilbert involved me almost accidentally killing him." Brilliant :)

chris m

He really didn't seem to give much of a shit about anything... he operated essentially as a nomad, going from college to college every few months and holding court. I don't think he owned anything other than a medium-sized suitcase of clothes. As for killing him, who was I kidding? The guy's indestructible.


          Indestructible, eh? Let him get caught in bed with a student, then we'll see what campuses will have him! The taint of scandal has destroyed many careers...


chris m

I really doubt he would care ... like I said, he seemed intent on a nomadic lifestyle. And it would really surprise me if he hadn't slept with his students. Those Beats were a randy bunch. I actually forgot one other little anecdote: Gilbert once told a small group of us that he wrote a novel once and let a friend of his publish it under the friend's name. He said he had no interest in fiction and just did it as a favor. I tried to get the name from him a couple times, but he never fessed up. Though he did chuckle when I asked if it was Kurt Vonnegut.


Zzz Zzzzzzz was her name. I say again, ZZZ ZZZZZZZ.
Granted, this was a name she'd cobbled together for herself out of some tribal something or other (she was nominally American Indian) and her mother's maiden name.

chris m

OK, I know it was a punk move to edit your comment above, GA, but you just know she googles herself, and she's just insane enough to come after me with a lawsuit or a Navajo curse, and I don't need either one of those ...

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