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Hey, I'm excited. And, he's a Bavarian too. It's so good to see that the Catholic church listened to their pilgrims and elected someone who would bring the church into the 21st century and modify some of those old outdated values. I mean, not wanting Turkey to part of the EU because they are Muslim seems like a perfectly modern and intelligent way of thinking about things.

Some people will never learn. The drop in people adhering to Catholic doctrine should tell them something. The church needs to be modernized. But, when you worship some all powerful God who is capable of anything yet has not really ever proven his existence except to some drug addicts in the desert 2,000 years ago, then reality and common sense is obviously not something you are too familiar with.

Still, I'm glad the new Pope is German. At least, until he dies in about four or five years.


i think that men are more inportant than gods,just give me Jesus he did exist....exuse my inglish is as bad as the new pope, P:S great blog!!!!!!

chris m

Daniel, your English is fine as long as you keep sending the love.

I'd forgotten the pope was Bavarian. How does Klaus feel about that?


The new Pope plans to excommunicate Santa Klaus for trying to usurp Jesus' birthday with evil materialism, gluttony and revelry!

Dogs that engage in non-stop barking-fests at 4:00 AM deserve whatever Natasha does to them!



Klaus thought it was pretty good even though he hates Catholics with a passion because they forced him to sit outside in the freezing cold when they had mass and all because he was Lutheran. I think he was just glad a German was whispering into the ear of the Lord.

I almost forgot ...

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

Glad to see you used a good musical reference for this one.

chris m

Is he whispering into the Lord's ear or vice versa? or both? I guess if he's God, he's cabaple of stretching out his ear/mouth to do both at once. Good ol' stretchy god. As for the song lyric, I was one of about a jillion other people who used it... of course, all the others were ripping me off.

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