Out sick yesterday -- and really actually sick, not recovering from a hangover or bingeing on crack whores at 11 am. Just spent the day languishing on the couch or bed or terlet, with occasional glugs of Gatorade to maintain my precious electrolyte balance. And of course the one work day I miss is the one day that actual work appears on my desk. At least there's heat. Normally I don't require heat, as I'm hot-natured. I usually burn like a veritable sun of caloric metabolisation, but not recently. Now I find myself freezing, then sweating, then freezing again. A general, achey malaise afflicts my limbs. Two nights of this and I'm turned into a sort of OCD zombie. I perform mindless, repetitive tasks with robotic efficiency, but anything requiring higher brain functions causes the system to overload. Not much else to yammer about today as I'm just trying to get out of here in one piece, or at least several pieces that match. Fend for yerselves!
Confidential to "Google AdSense" for rejecting Diztopia due to "sensitive content": And here I thought you were essentially the LARGEST DEVIANT-PORN ENABLER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. So sorry that you shan't deign to have your adverts for T-shirts and high-school equivalency degrees disgraced by association with a blog that occasionally says "f*ck." Well, fine. Me and my ten readers will just have to click on ads for herbal Viagra elsewhere. Snobs.
Sounds rough. Hope you get to feeling better soon! I'm hoping that around here we don't get the barf-a-rific New Years that we had last year. At first I thought it was the dozen raw oysters I scarfed down, but when two others in the house got it later... Food poisoning isn't supposed to be contagious, is it?
Google is two-faced. Last time I formatted my disk and reinstalled everything, I managed to turn off inline-autocomplete for internet explorer. I typed in a certain abbreviated web address, [the kind you don't want your kids seeing in your favorites], and it 404-ed out to Google, which helpfully supplied the deviant link in their sponsored area. Now, they censor certain 4-letter words, but link to judsmovies.com? Hmmmm...
Posted by: John M. Hicks | December 16, 2004 at 10:18 AM
Chris must be in a bad old state, no friday link dump, no monday recap of his weekend adventures on like, a boat or something.
Anyways, hope you're getting well soon.
Posted by: Dave R | December 20, 2004 at 11:28 AM
Actually, he's in Birmingham, with me. He's beside me right now ... in bed.
So, probably no posts for the next couple of days.
Posted by: Karsten | December 20, 2004 at 01:59 PM
Sorry for the abrupt pre-holiday bloggus interruptus. It was a rough time indeed. Those last 48 hours before the Saturday flight out are a complete blur.
Posted by: chris m | January 03, 2005 at 12:02 PM