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John M. Hicks

          And I thought niblets were gross. I stand corrected! You know, Kraft mac & cheese is decent out of the box, and better with buttermilk, real butter, and an additional 8 oz. of sour cream. So how do people manage to come up with such awful buffet items? As evinced from this blog, it must be intentional!


Furry Fury


Pasta Salad!!

Seriously. You are such a great writer!
I just love the way you write!

This was so funny.
I was holding my sides, laughing,
eventually it was painful I laughed
so hard; tears were rolling down my checks.

Laughter is nice!
Even painful laughter is good medicine!

Do it again!


Now that I am in business for myself
I seldom see such incredibly nasty
pot lucks.

What is it about human nature that
makes us lie about such things anyway?

The last time I was at such a thing?

The ladies who lunched with me ooh-ed
and ah-ed about this "fluff" or that
mayonnaise-laden thing so convincingly
that they thus insured this slime from
HELL will continue to be served up out
of spite or ignorance forever!

Why can't we just say what we are thinking?


Ah well, let's thank our lucky stars that
there is a garbage can in every practically cubicle and room!

I do remember some good potlucks though.

There were some actual good dishes at those,
I found some very tasty eats at various
library functions.

So good and so few were these but the
lovely consumable items were presented
with pride and celebrated with much
saliva and satisfied rumbly tummies.

Now that I am an online addict and also
self-employed, I so rarely see food at all.

Save the glorious artery clogging
creations of my better half.

Which I fall on like a slavering dog
whilst making obscene noises
which are unseemly for either
company or those in public to

(Thanks honey!!!)

I also remember certain wonderful parties
that were potlucks.

Um, the red beans and rice that you
made once. Yum!

Jell-O shooters were sucked down
there too! Now that's some good slime!

I may be getting two parties mixed up
in my head.

(If so please excuse me, I was at the very
least drinking.)

I seem to recall an artichoke bake that was
shaped like a she-male voodoo doll.

Yes, those were the days!

So anyway, thanks for the entertainment Sir!

Please keep it up as we force our way
through these grim holi-daze!

Furry Fury

chris m

Very kind words, made all the more digestible by their configuration in a prose poem. I think the key is to focus on the "luck" portion of "potluck." There is guarantee that the luck implied will be good.

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