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John M. Hicks

          I have to agree. Even the "Schoolhouse Rock" educational stuff they were stuffing down our wide-open young mouths was better than the Flintstones! (ConJUNCTshun JUNCT-SHUN! Whaz ya FUNKt-shun!)

          Real men watched Josie, Hot Wheels, and Skyhawks. As for sappy lil-kid toons, Road Runner and Tom 'n' Jerry were the good stuff!


chris m

I think I was more into the Herculoids. Plus also Thundarr once he became available. World's only Saturday-morning dystopian (or diztopian) cartoon.


That's Stony Curtis, to you.

chris m

Good God, you're right! I forgot how all the celebs had their names Bedrockized. And of course Google reveals that Stony Curtis appeared in two Flintstones episodes, the second of which revolved around Fred winning Stony's "services" as part of a promotion for Stony's new film, entitled (wait for it) "Slave Boy." Eeeeeyikes. I would pay money for a re-enaction of the "oysters and clams" scene from Spartacus with Fred playing Crassus and Stony "reprising" his Antoninus. "Stony Curtis" is also the nom du amor of a porn star, though he seems to have only appeared in "Big Knockers 23".


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Merry Christmas! I wish you a lot of gifts and luck in the new year.


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


With the new 2011. Year! Congratulations.


With the new 2011. Year! Congratulations.


With the new 2011. Year! Congratulations.


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! Happiness and success in 2011.

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