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John M. Hicks

          Niblets: eww, eww, EWWW!

          The skeletal drawings would be a cool Halloween deal. The Powder Puff Girl skeltons are particularly creepy... Mobius Syndrome, hmmm. Isn't that the "inability to suck?" Unlike my score on that game!

          Quicktime movies: do I really want qttask back in my system tray again? Ehhh, ok. "Strawberry Fields" was a visionary song. Every fifth or so hit song of the 1970's used that chord progression. Wonka is freaky! Creating a virtual actress must be tedious as all hell. Not bad at all, though.

          I'm not necessarily against folks talking on their cell phone in public. In a movie theater, kill 'em! But in public, if it irritates you, move away. Or, if you're not the type to walk away, move to where the phoner can see you, and stare at them. For particular emphasis, one can also cup one's hand to ear.

          Time well spent? For me it certainly was! Your blog is at least as necessary to my day as the newspaper!


chris m

Heh. Mind if I steal that for a logo? "At Least As Necessary As the Newspaper."


Dude, is that Doctor Bob in the corn?

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