Yes, it's a dumb joke, and poorly executed. But at least it killed an hour at the office. And now, time to go downstairs and raid the candy jar. It's supposed to be just for the interns, but what's theirs is mine I say.
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so like, is that the version where wonka puts some drug in the chocolate that make all the little kids randy?
Posted by: gijyun | November 16, 2004 at 06:10 PM
Hey Chris, I have a really weird site for you. Go to It's apparently a Burger King site of some sort. But, there's a guy in an apartment somewhere dressed like a giant chicken. You can post commands and he will perform them in real time. Very strange. Enjoy!
Posted by: Brooks | November 17, 2004 at 10:03 AM
Ha! Yes, after one Wonka's "special" confections, Charlie Bucket and Veruca Salt embark on a heartwarming bukkake montage, cheered on by a depraved mob of oompah-loompahs.
Thanks Brooks, but way ahead of ye. Linked to the chicken awhile back, and not long after that, to the Subservient President ( Same general principle ...
Posted by: chris m | November 17, 2004 at 11:13 AM
Speaking of old links, me and my friend spent about half an hour in fits of laughter yesterday when I discovered the alternative Spider-man comics you linked to ages ago, absolute genius.
And in the regard the movie poster, check out
Posted by: Dave R | November 17, 2004 at 03:12 PM
Hah! Yes, those Spider-Man alterations are excellent. "Rape dollars" indeed. And that's a lot of other photochopping going on in Dave's link. What a pale, humorless place our world would be without Photoshop and bored cubicle drones ...
Posted by: chris m | November 18, 2004 at 12:51 PM