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so like, is that the version where wonka puts some drug in the chocolate that make all the little kids randy?


Hey Chris, I have a really weird site for you. Go to www.subservientchicken.com. It's apparently a Burger King site of some sort. But, there's a guy in an apartment somewhere dressed like a giant chicken. You can post commands and he will perform them in real time. Very strange. Enjoy!

chris m

Ha! Yes, after one Wonka's "special" confections, Charlie Bucket and Veruca Salt embark on a heartwarming bukkake montage, cheered on by a depraved mob of oompah-loompahs.

Thanks Brooks, but way ahead of ye. Linked to the chicken awhile back, and not long after that, to the Subservient President (http://www.subservientpresident.net). Same general principle ...

Dave R

Speaking of old links, me and my friend spent about half an hour in fits of laughter yesterday when I discovered the alternative Spider-man comics you linked to ages ago, absolute genius.

And in the regard the movie poster, check out http://b3ta.com/challenge/filmtitles/

chris m

Hah! Yes, those Spider-Man alterations are excellent. "Rape dollars" indeed. And that's a lot of other photochopping going on in Dave's link. What a pale, humorless place our world would be without Photoshop and bored cubicle drones ...

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