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John M. Hicks

          If Chelsea inherited her father's genes, she's not going to be terribly picky about who she shares her umbrella (and other things) with. She's got good dental insurance!

          Evian Boy would have been better served to play the original. How does one top original Brian May, with his guitar made out of an old fireplace mantle and motorcycle springs, played through vintage hiwatts? Not with a sampler, I tellya! And we want Freddy Mercury back, too!

          I've seen that commercial. It turned me on! Of course, I wasn't thinking about burgers anymore... Timmy, Timmy, Timmy. There's a reason we don't let you play with lit stove burners, too. As far as I can tell, our rats don't have compacted stools. Thanks anyway!

          They haven't STARTED playing "Hey Ya" around these parts. They still think "Louie-Louie" is a hip dance song in B'ham. I could get into "smash my phone." The big problem with Broadband internet is that the damned phone rings off the wall! Telemarketers have figured the no-call list out. They all pretend to be charities.

          I'm not sure what the deal is with the lap pillow... What, we internet junkies can't afford a whole luv doll these days? Bush has the economy so screwed that we're buying them on the installment plan?

          It's gotta be gravity. I didn't cut my hair for five years in the 1980s, and it wouldn't go much below shoulder length. Now, I doubt I can manage growing it down to my neck.

          Pardon my ignorance, but I don't THINK one has to go to Nepal in order to pole-sit, do they? I understand that it goes on all the time in the Jefferson County jail! There's some terror, to be sure!


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