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Hey, fat ass, it'll do you good to get out a little more than usual and buy another coke. Instead of buying one two-liter get two one- liters. Get an old 3-liter coke bottle off eBAY and you'll have the old three-liter coke of yore.

Just make sure you grab a couple scoops of Emack & Bolio's along the way to the store.

By the way, I don't know what it is but I also find coke in a can is far superior to Pepsi. I also find that cokes in the morning from McDonald's (especially when served with a McGriddle) are superior to other fast food chains. Weird, huh?


I haven't seen these stupid 1.5 liter bottles yet. I agree that they make absolutely no sense. However, the new 12-packs with the 12-ounce plastic bottles rock.

(It is a little perplexing that you don't have the beloved 3-liter up there... someone get Mike Bloomberg on this please.)

John M. Hicks

No reliable Internet service up here in Chicago, and this Mac I'm trying to type on is just WEIRD! But,

The key to bottling marketing is simply the idea that consumers need something new. That's why they change package sizes and the like. And, they love creating mechanical headaches in their production facilities.

There is a new profit engine concept in bottling, as seen in B'ham's new 16.9 oz/ 0.5 liter Pepsi push. This, for those who haven't seen it, is an impossibly tall, skinny bottle, which is slated to be a replacement for the 20 oz. bottle, and they plan to charge the same price. Look at Chris' pictures, and note the diameter of the bottom of the bottle. This is key.

The profit engine sez that if the consumer spills the drink, they'll buy more. All new bottle sizes sport the tiny, narrow bottom. They WANT you to spill it!



It may be even simpler than that: a tiny, narrow bottom means that you're less likely to put the drink down, for want of a safe place to put it. Which means that perhaps they just want you to hold on to it and keep drinking. Because the sooner you finish it, the sooner you'll buy another.


this new coke bottle plus the new slender pepsi bottle are both bottle standards in other parts of the world. you can get 3-liters up here in the ghetto supermarkets of el bario in my hood, still considered manhattan (and definitely not "out-of-town"). another great reason to come visit!

John M. Hicks

                I dunno, man. I spent this past week shopping Michigan Avenue in Chicago, and I gotta tellya, this Southern Boweh can't afford it! Our favorite store was Filene's Basement. (And they call it "Pop" in Chicago, not "soft drink.")

                Of course we did drop over $500 at Spiaggia on one meal for four. (And a drink at the Drake across the street, chasing the ghost of Al Capone...) And DAMN! What a meal! This was the sort of place that five employees were waiting on you to drop a napkin, and they would whisk the old one away, and give you a freshly folded one...


Tom Smith

I live in New York and I haven't purchased Coke in months. My supermarket still offers the 2 liter bottles (for $1.40). But
Pepsi usually has sales on their 2 liter bottles for .99 cents. I wrote Coke a letter, telling them that this new bottle is the worst idea since New Coke. They didn't respond. This is just another example of the downsizing of products...giving you less for the same price. So although I love Coke, I refuse to buy those new bottles or over pay for the old ones. So I am now a regular Pepsi drinker.

Tom Smith

Ha! Coke should hire me to run their marketing! I predicted a decrease in Coke sales and an increase in Pepsi sales due to this new smooth serve bottle and the corresponding price increase. Looks like the public has spoken. Check out the sales results on the link below.


On a final note...looks like Coke is waking up. At the supermarket last week, they had the 2 liter bottle on sale for .99 and the smooth serve for .79 (my original pricing suggestion). So I purchased Coke, first time since June !

chris m

All I can say is that it smooth-serves them right. I'm still in Pepsiland, since none of the markets near me stock anything but the 1.5-liter Cokes. But perhaps the smooth-serve will eventually go the way of the dodo.


This was Coke's sneaky way of raising prices. Same price, smaller bottle. A total rip-off. I had been drinking Coke products since I was a kid, but no more.

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