Sorry for no posting yesterday, ye hordes of unwashed ... was actually forced by the insect overlords to attend longish afternoon meeting. Damn those insect overlords and their royal jelly. I can't resist their sweet, sticky demands.
Anyway, had an exceedingly odd dream last night. No idea where this particular plotline originated, but perhaps it was inspired by beheadings in the Mideast and recent news (can't find a current link) detailing how the Israeli army was prepared to intervene in the event of Yasser Arafat's death (by whatever cause), since they do not want Arafat buried in Gaza, presumably because his grave/tomb would become a locus of protest and resistance.
In the dream, former REM frontman Michael Stipe, taking a stand for Arafat's right to be buried wherever the Palestinian leader wants, has flown to Jerusalem and let it be known that he will remain there on permanent Arafat deathwatch. The plan is that as soon as Arafat dies (by whatever cause), Stipe will zip in and, with Palestinian assistance, decapitate Arafat's corpse and make off with the head. Stipe will then assist in secretly burying Arafat's head at an undisclosed location in Gaza.
???!!! … Bear in mind that I have no idea what Stipe's views are on Israel or Palestine, and I'm ambivalent at best about Arafat myself. I also haven't a clue whether or not Islam thinks that having only your head interred really counts as being "buried," or why Stipe, Arafat, or the Palestinians would implement such a scheme; maybe the head is more portable and thus easier to get past the Israelis?
Two signature scenes from the dream. One: an Israeli government spokesman vehemently objecting to Stipe's bizarre plan at a press conference, while failing to explain what, exactly, was illegal about it. Two: Stipe staging his own press conference in Gaza, joined by about 20 guys -- some Westerners, some pale-skinned Palestinians -- who have all shaved their heads and dressed in Western garb to vaguely resemble Stipe. All are carrying little head-sized bundles wrapped in Arafat's distinctive black-and-white checkered head scarf. Apparently, the plan is that once Arafat dies, all these decoys are going to start scurrying around Gaza to throw off Israelis searching for the real Arafat-head-bearing Stipe. Wacky comedy will no doubt ensue! I woke up at this point, which was a real disappointment, since I very much wanted to observe this nutty scenario, even if only in dream-time.
What does it mean, Herr Doctor? I have lots of these absurdly complicated (or just absurd) conspiracy dreams, and they usually defy dream-book analysis.
On an unrelated note, maybe I'm the last to find out about this, but a true watershed moment in the annals of morbid obesity: woman dies after long-term fatness and permanent furniture residency leads to the first-ever physical merging of human and couch.
And before I saw that blurb, I though the only way to meld with a couch was to pass out and spill my stinger in my lap. Creme de Menthe will make a nasty glue overnight!
Posted by: John M. Hicks | August 20, 2004 at 11:21 PM