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I love that picture of the "Taste the Best Fudge in the Kingdom!" sign + Russell's oddly predatorial stance, as if he's cha-cha-ing his way into the establishment. But is the sign meant to be pointing at him, or at the target of his reach? Which implication is more disturbing?

chris m

I'm not sure what's going through Russell's fudge-addled mind in that photo. I told him to pose beneath the sign so that the arrow was pointing at him, and this was the result. Is he grasping after the fudge? Does he seek to destroy the fudge? It's a mystery for the ages.


I thought perhaps the idea was that he IS the fudge. Glad to find out that's not the case.

chris m

Perhaps he seeks to become one with the fudge. What Would Fudge Do?


Ask Judy Blume.

John M. Hicks

For the prices at Sir Galahad, you COULD have eaten at Mr. B's or 3950! Galahad's DID have escargot, though. Still, it was only slightly less pricey than the venerable Antoine's in New Orleans, which is possibly one of the best places to eat snails in the country! I thought Las Vegas was supposed to be a bargain?!?

I see you have not learned your lesson about German food since that evening at Kolb's so long ago. IT'S SUPPOSED TO be bland! German food IS heavy stews and the like! A reviewer of German food should at least like that type of fare a bit. Asking someone who's been raised on char-grilled American beef to review goulash is like asking classical music buff to review a Limp Bizkit concert...

Did the Guiness make the music better? It's a tolerable drink, at least!


chris m

It wasn't a question of beef vs. goulash, believe me. And the one dish they did well at Hofbrau Haus - the sauerkraut - was good *because* it wasn't oversalted like it typically is in American versions. No, the problem was that all the sausage (we got two different variety platters) was bizarrely too lean and too think-skinned, in that all the sausage tasted approximately the same and all had the internal consistency of Oscar Mayer hot dogs. And I like hot dogs, by the way, but brat and wurst should have crispy skin and tangy, meaty filling. Mmmmm. filling.

The Guinness made the music easier to tolerate, in the sense that it dulled my brain to the pain ...

John M. Hicks

Ah. Yeah, Oscar Meyer is what we 'merickan's 'r sposed t' feed ur yung 'uns. Tasteless, to be precise. Good analogy! A good brat should taste BEEFY. The kraut sounds intriguing. Most "authentic" krauts I've been offered taste like vinegar, to me.

Lean sausage is an abomination! Why not go veggie, if that's the issue? Sausage is supposedly a way to salvage the greatness of meat for the masses. It was never meant to be lean. Rather, it encompassed the quick energy of animal fat; that is so necessary for a life of manual labor. Of course, the 20th century has changed all that...


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